Photogenic Black Forest romantic

Sunny peaks, deep valleys, breath-taking panoramas

Traditional Black Forest pompom hats, cuckoo clocks, cherry gateau, smoked ham and any number of trees – there is all this and much more in the Black Forest. There are uncountable possibilities for leisure activities in the summer and in the winter. The Park Hotel Post in Freiburg is an excellent starting point for visiting cloisters, castles and museums, traditional celebrations and carnival processions or going paragliding, hiking, skiing or canoeing on the Altrhein.


Photos: Karl-Heinz Raach

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Wishes, questions, enquiries?

Please don't hesitate to get in touch:
Tel: +49 (0)761 - 385 480

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Bus & Train

Free use of the route network

Free use of the route network

We arrange free use of the Freiburg route network during your stay.

Books & E-Bikes

 park hotel post galerie freiburg galerie 01 Foto KH Raach

From the hotel to the sightseeing tour

Apart from exciting books, we also lend e-bikes and classic City-Bikes for a Freiburg sightseeing tour.

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Partner Hotel Post in Freiburg i. Brsg.

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